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Dynamo Build

Scaling Type:Scaling
Build Role:Hybrid fighter

Dynamo can be played in a variety of ways, this build focuses on hybrid itemization to keep up strength throughout the game. Dynamo's strength is in his laning phase and his ability to outduel anyone early to mid game.

Dynamo Win Rates

Win Rate47.2%
Pick Rate4.1%

Ability Order Priority

In this Dynamo build, level up your abilities in the order shown below. Ability priority is indicated from left to right.

Kinetic PulseKinetic Pulse
Quantum EntanglementQuantum Entanglement
Rejuvenating AuroraRejuvenating Aurora

Early Game

Buy High Velocity Mag as your first item to help you secure and deny souls. Then buy Headshot Booster, Close Quarters, Mystic Burst, Extra Charge, and Extra Health for efficient trading. Get Extra Spirit and Mystic Reach to make it easier to hit Kinetic Pulse. Finish with Mystic Shot for better poke and burst damage.

Soul Icon500
High Velocity Mag
High Velocity Mag
Soul Icon500
Headshot Booster
Headshot Booster
Soul Icon500
Close Quarters
Close Quarters
Soul Icon500
Mystic Burst
Mystic Burst
Soul Icon500
Extra Charge
Extra Charge
Soul Icon500
Extra Health
Extra Health
Soul Icon500
Extra Spirit
Extra Spirit
Soul Icon500
Mystic Reach
Mystic Reach
Soul Icon1250
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot

Mid Game

Rapid Recharge is the first priority, allowing Dynamo to outduel anyone in midgame while also contributing in longer fights. Fill up the rest of your slots before upgrading other items.

Soul Icon3000
Rapid Recharge
Rapid Recharge
Soul Icon1250
Healing Booster
Healing Booster
Soul Icon1250
Bullet Armor
Bullet Armor
Soul Icon1250
Spirit Armor
Spirit Armor
Soul Icon3000
Soul Icon3000
Improved Burst
Improved Burst
Soul Icon3000
Improved Spirit
Improved Spirit

Late Game

Upgrade your armors and decide whether to focus on Spirit or Weapon. For Spirit, buy Improved Cooldown, Duration Extender, Superior Duration, and Improved Reach. Luxury items include Boundless Spirit, Mystic Reverb, or Diviner’s Kevlar if you have excess souls.

Soul Icon3000
Improved Bullet Armor
Improved Bullet Armor
Soul Icon3000
Improved Spirit Armor
Improved Spirit Armor
Soul Icon1250
Improved Cooldown
Improved Cooldown
Soul Icon1250
Duration Extender
Duration Extender
Soul Icon3000
Superior Duration
Superior Duration
Soul Icon3000
Improved Reach
Improved Reach
Soul Icon9800
Boundless Spirit
Boundless Spirit
Soul Icon6300
Mystic Reverb
Mystic Reverb
Soul Icon3000
Pristine Emblem
Pristine Emblem
Soul Icon3000
Point Blank
Point Blank
Soul Icon6300
Phantom Strike
Phantom Strike
Teleport to the target applying Disarm for 3 seconds, 50% movement Slow for 3 seconds, and dealing 150 Spirit Damage.

Situational Items

No items available