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Deadlock Patch Notes

The latest patch notes for Deadlock. Stay updated with all changes including general updates, hero buffs, nerfs, and item adjustments.

Updated on: September 21, 2024


  • Matchmaking is now available 24/7, with improved AFK management and a low priority queue for bad behavior.
  • Significant performance improvements, including preloading maps and various client optimizations.
  • New minimap with unique Hero Icons and changes to lane colors.
  • Added custom hotkeys per hero and merged alternate cast button behaviors.
  • Numerous hero adjustments with buffs to Abrams, Bebop, and Lady Geist, and nerfs to Grey Talon, Seven, and Shiv.
  • Global cooldown increase of 6% for abilities and items, alongside various item stat adjustments.
  • New and improved visual effects for various game elements, including abilities and items.
  • Multiple map changes, including new connections, adjusted collisions, and updated rooftop details.

Buffs and Nerfs


  • Abrams Damage increased by 10%.
  • Bebop Shield capacity increased by 20%.
  • Grey Talon Range of abilities extended by 15%.
  • Ivy Cooldown for 'Nature's Grasp' reduced by 2 seconds.
  • Lady Geist Essence Bomb T3 damage increased from 22% to 26%.
  • Lady Geist Essence Bomb spirit scaling increased from 1.05 to 1.15.
  • McGinnis Heavy Barrage spirit scaling increased from 0.3 to 0.35.
  • Vindicta Assassinate now does 20% more damage when getting a headshot.


  • Dynamo Damage reduced by 5%.
  • Haze Ability range decreased by 10%.
  • Infernus Cooldown for 'Flame Burst' increased by 3 seconds.
  • Warden Health reduced by 100 points.
  • Grey Talon Rain of Arrows Weapon Damage reduced from +7 to +4.
  • Seven Base bullet resist reduced from 8% to 0%.
  • Seven Storm Cloud damage reduced from 124 to 110.
  • Shiv Slice and Dice damage reduced from 125 to 105.
  • Shiv Bloodletting Deferred Damage Cleared reduced from 50% to 40%.
  • Viscous Base bullet damage reduced from 14 to 13.
  • Yamato Power Slash damage reduced from 170 to 160.

General Changes

  • Matchmaking is now open 24/7 for all regions.
  • Added new minimap: Updated base asset and added new unique Hero Icons. Neutral Camps are now represented by a highlight glow on the buildings they are located within. The Orange Lane (Orchard) is now the Green Lane (Greenwich).
  • Added a new behavior system. Players can temporarily lose access to certain capabilities in the game, including Matchmaking, Voice Chat, Text Chat, Pausing, and Reporting. Penalties will be enforced after a review period.
  • A low priority queue has been introduced, primarily for players who abandon games, but it may include other behaviors. Completion of required games is needed to return to normal matchmaking.
  • Misreporting players regularly can result in losing the reporting function and possibly being placed in the low priority queue.
  • New players queued solo will only match with other new players until they achieve 4 wins.
  • Lane allocation setups of 1-1-2-2 and 2-2-1-1 are no longer possible.
  • Six-player parties will no longer match against solo players, which may lead to longer queue times for six stacks.
  • AFK players will be automatically kicked out after a few minutes.
  • The Abandon Match dialog is now clearer about the consequences of leaving. A time delay has been added before the button can be clicked to prevent accidental clicks.
  • Added custom hotkeys per hero.
  • Bounce Pad visuals have been replaced with a wind fan; the effects also indicate the travel path.
  • Added little spirit frog legs to the Soul Urn.
  • Orange zipline is now green.
  • Space Bar no longer cancels abilities; abilities can be pressed again to cancel those with a cancel state.
  • The Alternate Cast modes 'Modifier Button' and 'Alternate Cast Button' behaviors have been merged, with added UI button hints in some extra cases.
  • Added sliders for Double Tap Alternate Cast timing and Press and Hold Alternate Cast required time.
  • Changes to Scoreboard (TAB) and Extra Info (ALT): The behavior of these two modes has been separated to better serve different functions. Keys for each mode can be swapped within Keybinds Settings.
  • Scoreboard (TAB): Enables cursor mode, displays Scoreboard, Damage Summary, allows minimap ping and draw.
  • Extra Info (ALT): No longer enables cursor mode, allows quick-upgrade abilities (remappable), displays extra information on HUD, including Zipline Speed Boost Cooldown.
  • Client performance improvements: The game now starts preloading the map once the client is launched to reduce load time.
  • The Sand Box orb practice area now displays the time in milliseconds that you hit the orb after spawning.
  • Added a console command (private_lobby_create) for creating custom lobbies using servers with temporary UI.
  • Upgrade ability keys are now customizable.
  • Adjusted Midboss low health roar sound to be more distinct.
  • Added Maximum FPS Sliders for Dashboard and In-Game.
  • Removed Pause limit for hero testing, coop bot matches, and the tutorial.
  • Added support for launching the game properly on a secondary monitor.
  • Fixed friends menu scrolling up automatically and being unable to invite offline users to a party.
  • Fixed invite tooltips on friends menu not being positioned correctly.
  • Metal Skin effects revisions and improved clarity for various effects and sounds across the game.

Misc Gameplay

  • Orbs now favor the claimer rather than the denier when both impact within a very narrow window of each other.
  • Flex Slot moved from 'First Walker' to 'Two Walkers'.
  • All ability and item cooldowns increased by 6% globally.
  • Max respawn time now happens at 35 minutes rather than 40 minutes.
  • T4 Items Cost reduced from 6300 to 6200.
  • Shield regeneration time reduced from 60s to 50s.
  • Wall Jump activation has been made more lenient.
  • Wall Jump launch angle can now be steered a bit more.
  • Jump shooting lockout period reduced from 0.25s to 0.15s.
  • Souls from bosses now appear much more spread out.
  • Rope climbing speed increased from 13 to 14.
  • Taking non-dot damage while on a rope slows you by 30%.
  • Improved Heavy melee hit registration.
  • Mid Boss warning now happens at 60% instead of 50%.
  • Walker beam max range (the sticky portion after being acquired) reduced by 20% (50m to 40m).
  • Successful Parry CD reduced from 0.5s to 0.25s.
  • Fixed Alt Fires not working with conditional bonuses (like Close Range).
  • Melee trooper hitbox improved.
  • Fixed Medic Troopers sometimes using their heal on Guardian boss.
  • Fixed multiple heroes getting the power-up bonus by standing on top of it before spawns.
  • Fixed your gun reloading down to a smaller magazine when reloading with higher ammo than your max.

Weapon Items

  • Headshot Booster: Bonus damage reduced from 45 to 40.
  • High-Velocity Mag: Weapon Damage reduced from 14% to 12%.
  • Restorative Shot: Healing from heroes increased from 35 to 40.
  • Restorative Shot: Healing from troopers increased from 10 to 15.
  • Hollow Point Round: Conditional Weapon Damage increased from 20% to 22%.
  • Rapid Rounds: Fire Rate reduced from 12% to 9%.
  • Rapid Rounds: No longer provides -50 Max Health.
  • Active Reload: Lifesteal reduced from 22% to 20%.
  • Mystic Shot: Spirit damage now considers bullet falloff.
  • Mystic Shot: Cooldown reduced from 6s to 5s.
  • Berserker: Bullet Resist reduced from 8% to 7%.
  • Long Range: Bullet Shield increased from +90 to +140.
  • Melee Charge: Charge distance bonus is moved to innate section.
  • Melee Charge: Passive now has an 8s cooldown.
  • Melee Charge: When passive triggers, you deal bonus +20% Melee Damage.
  • Melee Charge: Now gives a UI indication when reload procs.
  • Soul Shredder Bullets: Weapon Damage increased from 6% to 7%.
  • Fleetfoot: Active move speed reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Fleetfoot: Cooldown reduced from 22s to 18s.
  • Fleetfoot: Health increased from +75 to +90.
  • Warpstone: Range reduced from 13m to 11m.
  • Heroic Aura: Active movement speed bonus reduced from 3 to 2.
  • Burst Fire: Now provides +70 Health.
  • Sharpshooter: Bullet Health increased from +175 to +200.
  • Hunter's Aura: Bullet Resist reduction reduced from -10% to -9%.
  • Titanic Magazine: Bullet Resist increased from 15% to 18%.
  • Alchemical Fire: Spirit Power increased from +7 to +11.
  • Crippling Headshot: Debuff duration reduced from 5s to 4s.
  • Lucky Shot: Bonus Damage increased from 80% to 90%.
  • Glass Cannon: Max stacks increased from 5 to 7.
  • Silencer: Damage increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Frenzy: Linger duration increased from 4s to 6s.

Vitality Items

  • Healing Rite: Now grants +3 Spirit Power.
  • Enduring Spirit: Spirit Lifesteal increased from 8% to 10%.
  • Melee Lifesteal: Melee damage reduced from 15% to 13%.
  • Health Nova: Now requires Healing Rite.
  • Health Nova: Now grants +4 Spirit Power.
  • Health Nova: Range reduced from 18m to 15m.
  • Divine Barrier: Bullet Shield shield reduced from 300 to 260.
  • Divine Barrier: Spirit Shield shield reduced from 300 to 260.
  • Rescue Beam: Heal reduced from 30% to 26%.
  • Rescue Beam: Cast range reduced from 45m to 36m.
  • Rescue Beam: No longer requires Healing Rite.
  • Fortitude: Lane troopers do not reset the passive regen timer.
  • Lifestrike: Melee damage reduced from 40% to 35%.
  • Majestic Leap: Cooldown reduced from 24s to 22s.
  • Metal Skin: Cooldown reduced from 22s to 20s.
  • Inhibitor: Fixed damage reduction on bullets not being reduced by a percentage properly.
  • Colossus: Radius increased from 10m to 12m.
  • Colossus: Cooldown reduced from 45s to 35s.
  • Phantom Strike: Damage reduced from 150 to 75.
  • Phantom Strike: Spirit Power scaling reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Soul Rebirth: No longer grants 20% Weapon Damage.
  • Soul Rebirth: Cooldown Reduction reduced from 18% to 15%.
  • Unstoppable: Fixed not preventing Disarm properly.

Spirit Items

  • Spirit Strike: Melee damage reduced from 15% to 12%.
  • Spirit Strike: Debuff duration reduced from 13s to 11s.
  • Spirit Strike: Spirit Shield reduced from 100 to 80.
  • Spirit Strike: Regen reduced from 1 to 0.8.
  • Mystic Reach: Spirit Resist increased from 5% to 6%.
  • Mystic Reach: Ability Range increased from 15% to 16%.
  • Extra Spirit: Spirit increased from 8 to 9.
  • Ammo Scavenger: Neutral kills now count as a soul capture.
  • Ammo Scavenger: Buff duration increased from 35s to 40s.
  • Withering Whip: Fire Rate slow increased from 30% to 40%.
  • Slowing Hex: Projectile speed increased by 20%.
  • Quicksilver Reload: Damage increased from 50 to 65.
  • Surge of Power: Imbued ability now grants +10% Fire Rate when used (same 6s duration as the movespeed buff).
  • Rapid Recharge: Now gains +12% Weapon Damage (T1 Extra Charge gives +6%).
  • Improved Burst: Damage reduced from 10% of Max HP to 9%.
  • Improved Reach: Spirit Power increased from +6 to +8.
  • Torment Pulse: Health increased from +125 to +140.
  • Silence Glyph: Spirit Shield reduced from +200 to +150.
  • Echo Shard: Spirit Power increased from +8 to +12.


  • Abrams: Fixed Seismic Impact getting stuck on ceilings like in the mid boss room.
  • Abrams: Shoulder Charge turn rate reduced a bit.
  • Abrams: Infernal Resilience reduced from 17% to 16%.
  • Abrams: Shoulder Charge stun time reduced from 1s to 0.85s.
  • Bebop: Uppercut no longer roots your hero during cast time.
  • Bebop: Can now keep firing if he jumps and his laser is already warmed up.
  • Bebop: Reverted recent change to make hook have an alternate cast mode to pierce through allies/enemies.
  • Bebop: Hook range reduced from 35m to 30m.
  • Bebop: Hyper Beam now does splash damage around a 5m area the beam connects to on the ground.
  • Dynamo: Rejuvenating Aurora no longer gets canceled when stamina is used.
  • Dynamo: Rejuvenating Aurora T3 reduced from 4% to 3.8%.
  • Dynamo: Kinetic Pulse T1 reduced from 40% slow to 35%.
  • Dynamo: Quantum Entanglement cooldown increased from 11s to 12s.
  • Grey Talon: Fixed issues with Charged Shot hitting targets behind walls.
  • Grey Talon: Fixed Guided Owl doing damage through buildings.
  • Grey Talon: Rain of Arrows Weapon Damage reduced from +7 to +4.
  • Grey Talon: Rain of Arrows T2 Weapon Damage reduced from +7 to +5.
  • Grey Talon: Bullet damage growth per boon increased from +1.46 to +1.8.
  • Grey Talon: Guided Owl cooldown increased from 110s to 120s.
  • Haze: Fixed issues with Sleep Dagger hitting targets behind walls.
  • Infernus: Base health reduced from 625 to 600.
  • Infernus: Flame Dash slow resistance increased from 30% to 50%.
  • Ivy: Fixed some control issues when flying near a wall.
  • Ivy: Air Drop silence and slow debuff duration reduced from 4.5s to 4s.
  • Kelvin: Arctic Beam fire rate slow reduced from 80% to 40%.
  • Kelvin: Arctic Beam movement slow reduced from 80% to 70%.
  • Kelvin: Objectives and Rejuvenator are now frozen and invulnerable when under frozen shelter.
  • Kelvin: Ice Path and Arctic Beam can now also be cancelled by hitting the ability key again.
  • Lady Geist: Essence Bomb T3 damage increased from 22% to 26%.
  • Lady Geist: Essence Bomb spirit scaling increased from 1.05 to 1.15.
  • Lady Geist: Fixed a recent bug with Malice that caused multiple blood shards to be absorbed by 1 hero rather than pass through and hit others.
  • Lady Geist: Self Damage no longer consumes shields (general change).
  • Lash: Ground Slam now allows you to turn during the descent.
  • Lash: Bullet growth from 1.15 to 0.9.
  • Lash: Ground Strike Damage spirit scaling increased from 0.78 to 0.85.
  • Lash: Ground Strike Damage Per Meter Spirit scaling increased from 0.045 to 0.05.
  • McGinnis: Medicinal Spectre radius reduced from 6m to 5m.
  • McGinnis: Medicinal Spectre radius now grows with Spirit Power (0.07).
  • McGinnis: Can no longer wall jump from Spectral Wall.
  • McGinnis: Spectral Wall min range reduced from 7m to 6m.
  • McGinnis: Spectral Wall duration reduced from 6s to 5s.
  • McGinnis: Heavy Barrage spirit scaling increased from 0.3 to 0.35.
  • McGinnis: Heavy Barrage min range reduced from 7m to 6m.
  • McGinnis: Mini Turrets bullet travel speed increased.
  • Mo & Krill: Camera zooms out a little bit more when un-burrowing.
  • Mo & Krill: Can cast Scorn while using Combo.
  • Mo & Krill: Combo T2 reduced from +1s to +0.75s.
  • Paradox: Fixed issues with Paradoxical Swap hitting targets behind walls.
  • Pocket: Barrage amp per stack reduced from 7% to 6%.
  • Pocket: Barrage slow reduced from 40% to 30%.
  • Pocket: Added a brief lockout period on Flying Cloak to prevent accidental double clicks.
  • Seven: Base bullet resist reduced from 8% to 0%.
  • Seven: Bullet resist no longer scales with Boons.
  • Seven: Headshot reduction increased from 25% to 35%.
  • Seven: Storm Cloud damage reduced from 124 to 110.
  • Seven: Storm Cloud max radius reduced from 30m to 25m.
  • Seven: Storm Cloud cooldown reduced from 180s to 140s.
  • Seven: Storm Cloud audio is now a little clearer when it's cast.
  • Shiv: Fixed issues with Serrated Knives hitting targets behind walls.
  • Shiv: Slice and Dice damage reduced from 125 to 105.
  • Shiv: Bloodletting Deferred Damage Cleared reduced from 50% to 40%.
  • Shiv: Killing Blow Bonus Damage from Full Rage reduced from +25% to +20%.
  • Shiv: Killing Blow T2 now also increases Rage Amp by +5%.
  • Vindicta: Base bullet damage reduced from 14 to 13.
  • Vindicta: Stake T1 duration reduced from +0.75s to +0.5s.
  • Vindicta: Assassinate bonus gold is now shared with assisters.
  • Vindicta: Crow Familiar now reduces bullet armor by 6%.
  • Vindicta: Crow Familiar impact damage reduced from 50 to 40.
  • Vindicta: Crow Familiar impact damage spirit scaling reduced from 1 to 0.8.
  • Vindicta: Crow Familiar spirit power duration scaling reduced from 0.04 to 0.03.
  • Vindicta: You can now use stamina while flying to get an impulse in the facing direction.
  • Vindicta: Space bar no longer exists the ability, you have to press the key again.
  • Vindicta: Assassinate now does 20% more damage when getting a headshot.
  • Vindicta: Assassinate scope ends when you are stunned.
  • Viscous: Puddle Punch now correctly knocks people in The Cube up in the air.
  • Viscous: Improved various issues with the camera.
  • Viscous: Puddle punch now telegraphs an effect before it forms.
  • Viscous: Base bullet damage reduced from 14 to 13.
  • Viscous: Splatter damage reduced from 110 to 100.
  • Viscous: Goo Ball turn rate improved a bit.
  • Viscous: Goo Ball stun frequency cooldown improved from 1.5s to 1.25s.
  • Viscous: Fixed Puddle Punch piercing Unstoppable.
  • Warden: Bullet growth reduced from 1.31 to 1.2.
  • Warden: Alchemical Flask debuff duration reduced from 7s to 6s.
  • Warden: Alchemical Flask radius reduced from 7m to 6.5m.
  • Warden: You gain 50% bullet resistance during the 2s ult channel.
  • Wraith: Card Trick damage reduced from 100 to 80.
  • Wraith: Card Trick spirit scaling increased from 1.2 to 1.5.
  • Wraith: Card Trick card projectiles spawn above the reticle rather than on the left side.
  • Yamato: Ammo now scales with Spirit Power (0.15).
  • Yamato: Power Slash damage reduced from 170 to 160.
  • Yamato: Grapple post cast duration reduced from 0.5 to 0.2.
  • Yamato: Alt fire now fixed to work with conditional damage sources (point blank, pristine emblem, etc).
  • Yamato: Shadow Transformation bullet and spirit resistance reduced from 55% to 40%.
  • Yamato: Can now interrupt Power Slash with parry.

Map Changes

  • Inner Lane Changes: Added connections from the Shop to the front of the Department Store and the New York Oracle buildings.
  • Added veil in the opening at the front looking out toward the opposing side.
  • Added a cover barrier in front of the opening with the veil.
  • Moved the catwalk stair in front of the Department Store and New York Oracle closer to the Mid.
  • Base Changes: Angled the walkway connection from the outer lane exits to the inner lane exits.
  • Added an overhang below the Patron position.
  • Added two juke closets facing the Patron.
  • Rope Changes: Removed the exterior ropes from the Garage and Nightclub.
  • Replaced interior stairwells with ropes inside the Garage and the Nightclub that give access to the 2nd floor and roof.
  • Rooftop Changes: Raised Apothecary and Imports rooftops to match heights of the Record Store and the Comedy Club.
  • Removed rooftop details from roofs that are not safe.
  • Added rooftop details to new valid rooftops.
  • Miscellaneous: Changed collision on the shelves inside the Armory and Warehouse to improve shooting through them.
  • Replaced wall landing in front of the Nursery and the Market with an electrical box.
  • Bug Fixes: Fixed breakable items outside the underground tunnel.
  • Removed some duplicate models, lights, and geometry.
  • Fixed bug where the Hotel sign was replacing billboards on other rooftops.
  • Fixed rooftop details not aligned to the new height of the rooftops.
  • Fixed enemy team from being able to enter the base side passages.