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Shiv Build

Scaling Type:Normal
Build Role:Bruiser with Bleed Damage

Shiv is a strong bruiser and lane bully. His passive provides built-in tankiness, allowing him to take favorable trades and wear down opponents, setting up easy kills with his ultimate. This build focuses on maximizing bleed damage to complement his playstyle.

Shiv Win Rates

Win Rate47.6%
Pick Rate3.7%

Ability Order Priority

In this Shiv build, level up your abilities in the order shown below. Ability priority is indicated from left to right.

Serrated KnivesSerrated Knives
Slice and DiceSlice and Dice
Killing BlowKilling Blow

Early Game

Start with Extra Charge to keep throwing daggers as your main source of damage. Add Extra Regen and Extra Health for lane sustain. Complete your early game setup with Close Quarters and Restorative Shot to enhance your damage output.

Soul Icon500
Extra Charge
Extra Charge
Soul Icon500
Extra Regen
Extra Regen
Soul Icon500
Extra Health
Extra Health
Soul Icon500
Close Quarters
Close Quarters
Soul Icon500
Restorative Shot
Restorative Shot
Soul Icon500
Enduring Spirit
Enduring Spirit

Mid Game

Decay is crucial for charging the Rage Meter and is the strongest DoT available in the early/mid game. Improve your Daggers with Mystic Vulnerability and Duration Extender. Slowing Bullets and Mystic Shot provide extra spirit and damage to progress through the midgame. Enhance tankiness with Spirit Lifesteal and Spirit Armor.

Soul Icon1250
Reduces healing received of targeted enemy and inflicts damage over time of their current health. Decay's damage is non-lethal.
Soul Icon1250
Duration Extender
Duration Extender
Soul Icon1250
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
Soul Icon1250
Slowing Bullets
Slowing Bullets
Soul Icon1250
Soul Icon1250
Mystic Vulnerability
Mystic Vulnerability
Soul Icon1250
Spirit Lifesteal
Spirit Lifesteal
Soul Icon1250
Spirit Armor
Spirit Armor

Late Game

Toxic Bullets synergize well with Shiv’s playstyle. Superior Duration, Rapid Recharge, and Mystic Slow further enhance your Daggers. Soul Shredder Bullets increase sustain and amplify damage from daggers, Decay, and Slice and Dice.

Soul Icon1250
Soul Shredder Bullets
Soul Shredder Bullets
Soul Icon3000
Toxic Bullets
Toxic Bullets
Soul Icon3000
Superior Duration
Superior Duration
Soul Icon3000
Rapid Recharge
Rapid Recharge
Soul Icon3000
Mystic Slow
Mystic Slow

Situational Items

No items available